Multichannel Klaviyo Strategies for ‘Buy with Prime’ and Shopify

Company getting more sales with Klaviyo strategies for Buy with Prime

Klaviyo has earned its reputation as the top automated marketing platform, bolstered further by Shopify’s $100 million investment in the platform in 2022. Shortly after, Klaviyo entered a similar collaboration with Amazon. The three have quickly become the trifecta for brands, making Shopify their primary domain.

By strategically using all three platforms together, you can boost your monthly sales performance. Here, we’ll cover which Klaviyo strategies for Buy with Prime have the greatest bottom-line effect on sales, data management, and the almighty customer-brand relationship.

The Details That Count Most

Ecommerce customers today don’t want broad strokes. But they also aren’t poring over your every word. That’s why direct P2P marketing is still king (and it can drive over a quarter of your revenue), but only when used with precision and tact.

What keeps customers’ attention is a demonstration of empathy. Your emails must be:

  1. Relevant
  2. Useful
  3. Solution-oriented

That’s why less time handling data-flow whiplash means more time spent planning and polishing your emails and campaigns.

Now, it’s possible to seamlessly weave Klaviyo and Amazon data through Shopify, where you can unify your efforts to the best of your ability. Thus, it’s essential that your Klaviyo strategies for Buy with Prime leverage the finest aspects of each platform. Doing so will create a sales and marketing machine that’s far more than the sum of its parts.

Leveraging Klaviyo’s Advantages

Along with the inherent value of automated Klaviyo emails, ensure your message stands out by making the most of Klaviyo’s customization strategies:

  • Market segmentation for advanced psychographics and behavioral targeting
  • Analytics-backed coordination between emails, SMS, and app push notifications
  • Automated personalization with Klaviyo’s intuitive customer data platform
  • VIP customer loyalty incentives
  • Carefully honed marketing and inventory strategies through predictive analytics
  • Subscription management services
  • Intelligent coordination between sales, newsletter, and welcome emails
  • Easy portals for leaving reviews—helping continually build out your all-important social proof

Leveraging Amazon’s Advantages

For optimal integration, it’s essential to hone Klaviyo strategies for Buy with Prime buttons. Most DIY Shopify store owners limit themselves to placing Buy with Prime buttons alongside their product listings.

That’s perfectly good as a foundation, but Buy with Prime is a tool best applied to your overall marketing strategy, to wit:

  • Placing Buy with Prime links with any mention of free/fast shipping and exclusive Prime member deals
  • Promoting low-risk shopping, thanks to Prime’s easy return policy
  • Combining Shopify and Amazon attribution data
  • Planning messages around sales channel preference
  • Promoting Amazon more heavily when “Buy with Prime Day” comes around
  • Coordinating marketing/sales efforts around third-party fulfillment vs. in-house inventory

More generally, be sure your Buy with Prime linking structure sends traffic to top-performing products or sales funnels whenever relevant (i.e., when not directly associated with a specific product).

If you strongly prefer direct Shopify sales, you might subtly encourage repeat Prime customers to buy directly from your site. This could include general messaging around a “local first” or P2P-buying ethos. (Just don’t exceed Amazon’s brand usage guidelines.)

True Multichannel Mastery

Customers enjoying a multichannel buying approach after the company implements Klaviyo strategies for Buy With Prime

When customers shop (or even window-shop) your multichannel Shopify platform, it generates a wealth of market data. Those are performance gains on the table, waiting for you to take and make the most of them.

We’ve covered the advantages of incorporating Buy with Prime into your Shopify platform before, and one of our takeaways was that it breaks Shopify/Amazon information silos. Now, it’s a matter of how (not if) you can convert that data into direct sales.

Further, these gains have a 100% ROI, given that Buy with Prime is free to buy and use on your Shopify site (though using it optimally is another story). Using Buy with Prime also secures your place in Amazon’s brand registry, even if Shopify is your home base.

That takes care of the two biggest eCom sales platforms. Now, what about your marketing?

Using Amazon Prime With Klaviyo and Shopify

Klaviyo and Amazon have formed a similar alliance as between Shopify and Amazon, marking even more revenue potential of integrating Buy with Prime and Shopify.

In a previous discussion about our Shopify/Buy with Prime strategies, we explained that Buy with Prime pushes traffic directly onto Amazon but still drives your overall performance. Along with that greater performance comes renewed marketing potential as you pierce the otherwise insular buying habits of Amazon Prime members.

Outreach That Sells

Customer outreach is the glue that holds it all together. Why? Amazon Prime with Klaviyo fuels the marketing activities that most directly translate to greater Prime and Shopify sales:

  • Abandoned cart recovery via Klaviyo’s automated abandoned checkout emails (a $3.53 value per recipient!)
  • Customer relationships, with personalized emails that speak directly to their needs and shopping patterns
  • Direct engagement using campaign optimization for advanced segmentation, reporting, and data-flow strategies
  • Scalability, with campaigns that grow brand awareness and create more customer lifecycle momentum
  • Timing to anticipate buying patterns and keep your brand at the forefront of customers’ minds during slow and busy seasons

The Bottom Line

Above all, your Klaviyo strategies for Buy With Prime should remind strict Amazon users that they can leverage their Prime membership benefits when stepping into your Shopify ecosystem. You can then weave Amazon Prime benefits directly into your own messaging.

What makes it all possible is that Shopify, Klaviyo, and Amazon integrations seamlessly bridge three of the top eCommerce tools on the market. While it is easy to get started (as simple as downloading the apps), applying it to the best effect can have a steep learning curve.

That’s fine if your goal is to learn as you go. But if you have serious revenue goals, overhead concerns, and employees who depend on you, why wait to maximize the metrics that matter most?

Optimizing Klaviyo Strategies for Buy with Prime

It’s best not to reinvent the wheel. If you’re already thinking of upping the professionalism of your site, now’s the time to work with a company deeply versed in enhanced web design for eCom SMBs and mid-market titans.

If you’re ready to invest in your brand and step beyond a DIY approach, it’s time to enlist the support of a true pioneer in web development and branding strategies. Contact Future Holidays for direct, in-house support to elevate your brand—and make it a true contender in the increasingly competitive eCommerce sphere.