What’s in a Name? The origin story of Future Holidays

Curious about where the name Future Holidays comes from?
Ryan Kodzik, the founder of Future Holidays shares the origin of the agency name and why he wakes up in the morning.
The What & The Why
When I started Future Holidays it was important that I remembered why I get up in the morning. Doing good work has always been my top priority. It was important for me to stay inspired and focused on building something to last. But for the sake of what?
My aspirations for being successful have always been more about freedom and being inspired than about money. Therefore, success to me means being able to work and experience new brands and places. I empower my team to do the same.
I’ve been in the creative agency world for 20 years and I’ve noticed that people are more sensitive to their surroundings than they realize. Your work environment can directly affect your mental state. I could always see it in my team and so I’ve never felt traditional agency office environments were good for fostering creative ideas. Nor do I feel that proximity affected collaboration.
I wanted to create a company where “going to work” or “the office” could be defined differently for all of us and could change at our own discretion. I believe in remote teams.
What We Believe In
At Future Holidays we embrace freedom and creativity by whatever means or locations we need to do our best work. Having pride in our work and the relationships we are building with our clients is at the core of our company and it not confined between 4 walls.
Admittedly, I am struck by wanderlust and the allure of distant shores. The freedom of Future Holidays allows me to always be excited about my next excursion and knowing that hard work is the fuel keeps me inspired.
If we are doing our jobs right, we can make our clients successful. I look forward to the opportunity to raise a glass together as a team and with our clients to toast to a bright future and to a fruitful journey together. And of course to future holidays. The world is a beautiful place. Let’s explore it together and do great work along the way.
Broadcasting live from a paradise near you, we are
Future Holidays
Est. 2015 / Location: Far & Wide